all lateral profiles on one side of the curb nicely in line
(use the rope).
We advise you
NOT to position the seams of the lateral profiles
opposite of the Cintramax opening parts. Make sure the seams
are next to the opening parts to avoid incorrect alignment of the
opening parts.
Leave a
clearance of each time 5 mm (± 2 mm) between the
lateral profiles. Position the lateral profiles evenly on the length
of the curb so all clearances are about the same size. This way,
a small inaccuracy in the curb length can be eliminated.
If the curb is a little too long, then the end pieces can be moved
outwards 2 cm each to compensate the difference.
Tighten the lateral profile on the curb with the supplied screws
with neoprene seal.
Provide a screw every 50 cm in the provided screw zone.
Always use adapted screws (metal screws for metal curb, wood
screws for timber etc.). Tighten the screws so the washer
connects perfectly to the profile.
Carefully seal off the seams below so water from the lateral
profile cannot trickle in.
Seal off the seams on the end profile too.
Now install the
lateral profiles on the other side of the curb.
The lateral profiles must be perfectly parallel and attached
to each other at the correct distance, especially with the
opening parts (same daylight size).
Use the reference profiles of an opening part to maintain the
right distance.
lateral profile
5 mm
reference profile