4.9.2 Select O (CR) flap. Start the takeoff roll with the stick held fully into wind and
the elevator neutral. Pressure may be required on the rudder pedals to steer
4.9.3 Allow the aircraft to accelerate. The amount of aileron can be reduced if there
is a tendency to lift the downwind wheel. Keep the elevator neutral until the
speed reaches 53knots CAS[ IAS], then cleanly rotate and lift off.
4.9.4 As the aircraft lifts off adopt a shallow climb attitude. Gently yaw the aircraft
into wind to set up the required drift angle, and centralise the ailerons and
centralise the balance ball.
Normal landing
4.10.1 Generally the Skyranger should be landed from an approach speed of about
55knots CAS [ IAS], although in turbulent conditions handling can be
improved by increasing this by 5-10 knots. Full flap (LD) position should be
selected. As flap is selected a gentle pull on the stick will be required to
maintain constant airspeed. Therefore re trimming will be required.
4.10.2 Roundout should be initiated around 15-20 ft and hold-off 2-3 ft above the
4.10.3 Pilots transitioning from more traditional lower performance microlight aircraft
should be aware that if the airspeed is allowed to increase on the approach
then the aircraft may exhibit considerable float during the hold off period and
this may cause a tendency to ‘balloon’ and will cause more runway than
expected to be used.
Short field landing
4.11.1 Select full flap (LD) position, and set up a powered approach at around 45 –
50 knots CAS[ IAS]. Use power adjustments to control the flight path and
rate of descent whilst accurately maintaining airspeed with elevator. If tall
obstacles are present on the approach, then transition into a glide approach
once clear past them. Take care however to maintain airspeed during this
Skyranger Operators Manual, Issue 1, AL0, June 2002