FlIGHt Decent aSSIStance
The Operation manual is not meant to be an instruction manual for flying.
The education and flight course study must be completed from a recognised flight
school as required from each of the individual countries according to their local laws
governing sport flying. The following tips will allow you to get the best out of your sky-
Steep Spiraling (Motor and Free Flight)
Using a steep spiral flying manuever you have the best opportunity to increase your
flight decent.
The steep spiral is performed by cautiously increasing the brake pressure on one side
and leaning your body weight into the curve.
In the event that your curve does not sufficiently enter into a steep enough curve,
break off the manuever and try again, don’t continue to slowly increase the
brake pressure.
The steep spiral manuever is best performed when the SCOTCH.HY enters a sharp
axilar curve and starts to fly in a quicker steeper curve. This sharp axilar curve and
sinking speed is controlled using a measured dose of increased or decrease of the
brakes on the curve inner side.
A light amount of pressure on the outside curve brake line may be applied to control
the lose of wing tip folding.
HIGH SInK rateS caUSeD BY tHe SteeP SPIral ManUever caUSe
a centrIFUGal FOrce WHIcH leaDS tO a StrOnG G FOrce lOaD
anD SHOUlD nOt Be PerFOrMeD BY IneXPerIenceD PIlOtS!
Through the contraction of a pilots stomach muscles, the steep spirals negative body
load may be helpful.
As soon as you notice a light headedness or tunnel vision or approach of
unconsciousness, you must immediately stop the steep spiral manuever.
Because of the often large loss of altitude during the steep spiral manuever, it is