Before You Ride
Prior to use perform a quick visual check that the board looks ok and equipment is undamaged.
Ensure that you have appropriate safety gear.
Find a safe environment to use the skateboard in.
Power up the unit and check that everything is running smoothly.
Engage the brake by pressing downwards on the motion joystick.
Step onto the board, find your balance, and gently push up on the joystick until the board.
First Ride
The more you push up on the joystick, the faster you will travel.
Pushing downward on the joystick will engage the brakes.
Practice going forward slowly until you feel comfortable, then try turning.
We suggest learning with a friend initially, so that you have support in case you fall.
Most users will be able to ride competently within a short period of time. It’s easier than you think.
Starts Rolling