For the Jumper
Do not use the trampoline enclosure when under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Avoid jumping too high or for too long. Always control your jump.
Take turns jumping one at a time, and always have someone watch you.
Do not attempt to jump over the netting. Do not intentionally bounce off of the netting. Do not hang from, kick, cut,
or climb on the netting.
Wear clothing that does not have drawstrings, hooks, loops or anything else that could get caught
while using the
trampoline/enclosure and result in entanglement or strangulation, or both.
Do not attach anything to the netting that is not a Skywalker
approved accessory or part of the of the
trampoline enclosure.
How to Enter and Exit the Trampoline Enclosure
Enter and exit the trampoline enclosure only through the door in the netting. To enter the enclosure, first unfasten
the plastic clips on the door and unzip the zippers. Place one knee on the frame pad and climb head first through the
door. Refasten the plastic clips and close the zippers.
To leave the enclosure, first unzip the zippers on the door and unfasten the plastic clips. Sit on the mat (bed) of the
trampoline and climb feet first through the door. When you are through the door and sitting on the frame pad, care-
fully step or jump to the ground. Close the zippers and refasten the plastic clips.