Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Tape Machines 12
Isolating the Gain Stage from a Group
SomePmes you will want to customize the Input or Output of a parPcular track within a group.
For instance, you may have your drums in a group with your Input at +2dB. However, you want
to add more saturaPon to only your snare.
To isolate the gain stage from the group, simply click the “Link” symbol between the Group
Assign menu and the Input value display. The symbol will dim to show the change. Now, you can
adjust the gain secPon of this channel independently from the group. To add it back to the
group, simply click the “Link” symbol again!
The isolated Input and Output value is not cumulaPve to the group value; it is absolute.
Automating VTM Groups
It is possible to automate every parameter of the Virtual Tape Machines plugin. When an
instance is grouped, you may automate any of its parameters on any track. This allows for
ulPmate ease of use and flexibility.
However, it is up to you to ensure there are no automaPon conflicts across mulPple instances of
a group – otherwise, your automaPon will not be wri\en/ read correctly.