Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Tape Machines 14
take advantage of the compression aspect of the VTM to feed the VCC, where I can add some
final subtle flavor.
I'd try several bias seYngs depending on the high frequency reducPon behavior I want (which
are all far different from a simple EQ). So for instance, I'd use the 2" with FG456, 30ips High Bias,
and play with the Input / Output linked levels to have the highs I want.
For a piano track, I would use a different configuraPon:
For the piano, I'd use the VCC Mixbuss to get some cool stereo and harmonic effects, then EQ,
then VTM with not too much noise and just a li\le bit of flu\er. Here, I just would like to add to
the sound. A li\le bit of smoothness for high amplitudes, but I don't want to use the VTM as the
same high frequency reducPon tool than for the vocals. I just want to warm up the sound a li\le
and make it less sterile.
In this scenario, I’d use the ½-‐inch FG9 15 ips with Normal Bias.