Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Tape Machines 16
This is representaPve of the fact that when two tape machines are calibrated the same way with
same Input / Output gains, but which may not be the case with far different calibraPons or
That's why aTer discussing with many tape technicians, we found it very useful to feature
calibraPon seYngs, which are representaPve of reality.
We set the Virtual Tape Machines default calibraPon to -‐15dB because we thought it was more
representaPve to the default saturaPon level a real tape machine would exhibit, with typical
RMS levels of digital files. In other words, we wanted the user to load the VTM and to have the
"typical" tape sound with the most common digital files.
Wade Norton (NRG Recording Studios), who is one of the best tape technicians in Los Angeles,
calibrated the tape machines for tesPng. We also hired several other tape techs, and it was very
interesPng to see that the calibraPon and the SOUND was different with the same tape
machine, according to the calibraPon which was done by different techs. The best sound we got
from the tape machines was from Wade's calibraPon.
VU Average Position & Sound
The VU meter level indicates the level post calibraPon and input gain. The Clipping LED will
illuminate at the point in which the algorithm begins to react in a non-‐linear fashion. This is
normal tape saturaPon -‐ not digital full-‐scale clipping.
Noise Reduction
We believe that Tape Hiss is an important component in the sound of tape. We have
mePculously modeled the noise characterisPcs for each Machine, Tape, Speed, and Bias
configuraPon. The “noise” you are hearing is not the product of a noise generator. It is a faithful
replicaPon of Tape Hiss.
Noise ReducPon is adjustable from -‐80dB to 0dB. By default, Noise ReducPon is set to -‐24dB.
You may find the tape hiss to be too much, especially if you have mulPple instances spread
across an enPre mix! Luckily, you can dial in the perfect amount of tape hiss using the Noise
ReducPon slider, located in the SeYngs Panel.
Bass Alignment
In a real tape machine, the Bass Alignment would be dependent on the tech's calibraPon. The
bass alignment seYng is not a simple EQ that modifies bass roll off. It takes care of the bass
behavior of the tape, and then enhances or reduces it. The Bass Alignment slider influences
bass and sub-‐bass frequencies.
Thus, it’s different for each tape model, tape machine and speed since the calibraPon made by a
tech on a real tape machine would be dependent on these parameters as well.
It could be very useful in different mixing situaPons, similar to the changes a tech would make
according to a mixing engineers request. For example, one may want to add some typical bass