Slate Digital -‐ Virtual Tape Machines 7
The faster speed seYng, 30ips, has less noise, an overall fla\er frequency response, and a
slightly extended high-‐end. On both of our machine models, 30ips is relaPvely flat above
200Hz, and then has some emphasis in the higher porPon of the low-‐end.
This is a great speed seYng for a prisPne sounding high-‐end with smooth saturaPon on peaks,
and a nice thickening of the upper low-‐end.
15ips has a higher noise floor, and a more non-‐linear frequency response. First you’ll noPce that
the low-‐end extension is driven down to the sub-‐lows, below 100Hz. This is one of the reasons
why 15ips is oTen said to be “fa\er” sounding. The midrange of both of the machines is a bit
extended, which adds a nice presence and bite.
Overall, the 15ips Speed seYng on both models is definitely great when you want to add more
aYtude and flavor to your recordings. And the best part is that you can overcome the extra
noise by reducing it with the Noise ReducPon slider in the “SeYngs” panel!
Tape Bias
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The recommended Bias (
) is dependent on the Tape Type, Tape Speed, and Record Head
Gap length. When you switch Machines, Tape Types or Tape Speeds, the Bias is automaPcally
adjusted to the recommended value, internally.
We also modeled two addiPonal Bias seYngs above and below the recommended Bias value.
These addiPonal seYngs change the frequency response and saturaPon for each Machine,
Tape, and Speed configuraPon.
With the Bias set to
, High Frequencies will saturate earlier. When set to
, High
Frequencies will saturate later, with increased dynamics.