Sling LSA
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Aircraft and Systems
Document Number: DC-POH-002-X-A-6
Page | 7-16
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/04/23
Minimum Instruments and Equipment Required
for Flight
The following minimum instrumentation and equipment is required
for day VFR flight:
# Item
1 Altimeter
2 Airspeed Indicator
3 Compass
4 Fuel Gauges
5 Oil Pressure Indicator
6 Oil Temperature Indicator
7 Cylinder Head Temperature Indicator
8 Outside Air Temperature Indicator
9 Tachometer
10 Chronometer
11 First Aid Kit
(Compliant with Local Regulations – not required in US)
12 Fire Extinguisher
Installed equipment may include GPS and other advanced flight and
navigational aids. Such equipment may not be used as the sole
information source, for purposes of navigation or flight, except where
specifically permitted by law. The aircraft instrumentation is not
certified, and applicable regulations should be complied with at all