Sling 4 TSi
Section 7
Pilot Operating Handbook
Ground Handling
Document Number: DC-POH-001-X-F-3.0
Page | 8-2
Revision: 3.0
Date: 2021/07/14
If you wish to move the aircraft, other than under its own power, it is
best to pull/push the aircraft by holding one or more of the propeller
blades, close to the spinner. The rear fuselage/empennage may be
pushed down directly above the bulkhead or close to the root on the
horizontal stabilizer, directly above the front spar where it attaches to
a rib. This for lifting the nosewheel for manoeuvring purposes.
It is also acceptable to push the aircraft backwards by putting pressure
on the wing/horizontal stabilizer leading edge, directly over a rib.
Tow Bar
The aircraft can be towed by making use of a tow bar that is hooked to
the nose wheel of the aircraft. The aircraft can be steered by rotating
the nose wheel through the tow bar. The nose wheel is fully rotated
once the pedal control stops have been engaged. For installation of
the tow bar refer to the Sling 4 TSi Maintenance Manual.
Avoid excessive pressure on the aircraft airframe - especially at or near
control surfaces. The skins are thin and minimum pressure should be
placed on them. Excessive pressure could lead to the buckling of the
When steering the aircraft with the tow bar, care should be taken to
not rotate the nose wheel too violently or too far. This could cause the
rudder pedal stops to slip.