Sunny Boy 2000
Technical Description
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SMA Regelsysteme GmbH
Blinking Code 3: Grid impedance too high
The yellow failure LED is activated for 5 seconds, remains dark for 3 seconds and
then blinks three times. The code is sent three times.
If the failure persists the indication begins once again.
The inverter has detected a failure based on non-permissible grid impedance values.
Criteria for grid impedance during connection and feeding are described in detail in
paragraph “Autonomous Grid Disconnection Device” on page 13.
Should the inverter switch off very often during grid monitoring the grid impedance
might be too high. The impedance can be checked with the Sunny Boy Control or
Sunny Data. If the impedance exceeds Z
the Sunny Boy may not conduct
grid feeding. This failure can normally be avoided by increasing the thickness of the
AC cabling.