Solar Technology AG
Connecting External Sources
Technical Description
In order to prevent this during such conditions, the stand-alone grid frequency is temporarily
increased ("231.04 AcSrcFrqDel" parameter), in line with the synchronization, until the AC feed-in
generators (Sunny Boys) are disconnected from the stand-alone grid as a result of the grid limits
being exceeded.
13.1.9 Stopping the Generator
If the generator was started via the Sunny Island (automatically or manually), it can be manually
stopped at any time using the "540.01 GnManStr" parameter. This disconnects the generator (the
minimum run time is not taken into account here), and the power-down time (Cool) is skipped.
Afterwards, the system enters the the stop time (Lock).
Death hazard due to high voltages
The power-down time depends on the generator type.
During the power-down time, there is still grid voltage at the consumers.
Wait until the generator stops.
Generators with the "manual" start option can generally only be started and stopped at
the generator.
If the generator start is to be disabled after a manual stop, this must be performed by
setting the "234.01 GnAutoEna" parameter to "Off".