Connecting External Sources
SMA America, LLC
Technical Description
Grid as generator: connecting the grid as soon as the loads request high power
from the Sunny Island
You can configure the Sunny Island in such way that it automatically connects to the grid, as soon as
the connected loads request high power from the Sunny Island. To activate this function, set the
”232.42 GdPwrEna” parameter to ”Enable”. The Sunny Island connects to the grid, when the power
requested by the loads, lies within the limits that are defined by the following parameters:
• ”233.07 GdPwrStr” — ”233.08 GdPwrStp”
Silent Mode
In order to save energy, the silent mode can be activated using the ”224.01 SilentEna” parameter
set to ”enable” (default disable). In this case, the Sunny Island is set to standby mode if the charge
has been completed and the battery has been in float charge for some time (see section
13.4.5 ”Silent Mode” (page 111)).
The silent mode is exited regularly to recharge the battery.
In a 1‑phase parallel Sunny Island system, only the master detects a grid failure in silent mode. The
slaves do not detect a grid failure in silent mode.
Feeding Operation
Whether energy is fed from the off-grid power system into the main power grid is controlled using the
”232.08 GdMod” parameter.
The cross-section of the cable to the public grid must be adjusted to the maximum current. This
guarantees, that the Sunny Island - in case of a fully charged battery and total solar irradiation - can
feed in the entire power into the public grid.
In any case, talk to your utility operator to find out whether it is possible to feed into the grid!
If GdCharge is set, no energy is fed into the grid. If GridFeed (Default) is set, energy is fed into the
AC feed-in generators on the off-grid side (Sunny Boy) can feed their energy into the grid through the
internal transfer relay of the Sunny Island; for limitations, see section 14.1.6 ”Limits and Power
Adjustment” (page 122).
Feeding into the grid
If parameter ”232.08 GdMod” is set to „GridFeed“, the Sunny Island can feed into the
grid, despite ”232.42 GdPwrEna” is enabled or disabled.
Feeding in from the DC Side into the Grid
In order to allow electricity to be fed from the DC side into the grid, the battery voltage in
a charged battery (on the grid) must be increased by external DC chargers or the Sunny
Island Charger above the nominal charging voltage.