SMA America, LLC
Technical Description
What is the meaning of the F605 error message?
• The F605 error message might occur, among other things, if you have installed a direct
connection with switch between the AC input (AC2) and the AC output (AC1) of the Sunny
Island. If such a connection is not installed on the Sunny Island and if the switch is closed, the
Sunny Island is surpassed. If the Sunny Island did not give the order for closing its internal
transfer relay itself, it displays the F605 error message and does not start operation. Open the
bypass switch and restart the Sunny Island afterwards to fix this error.
Why is it that high outputs are being transferred back and forth between the
clusters in the cluster network?
• The nominal frequencies and voltages are defined differently. Correct this by means of the
appropriate parameters.
20.10 Procedure During Emergency Charge Mode
The Sunny Island cannot provide voltage with full amplitude with a deeply discharged battery and
can no longer synchronize with an existing grid or generator. Using the emergency charge mode
(ECM), it is possible to charge the batteries in current-controlled mode.
To charge the batteries in the emergency charge mode, either bridge the AC1 with AC2 (for a
stationary generator) or connect a portable generator directly to AC1.
All loads must be disconnected in emergency charge mode.
Emergency charge mode is activated in the QCG. For a description how to access the QCG see
section 8.2 ”Starting the Quick Configuration Guide (QCG)” (page 66). Follow the instructions up to
point 2. The emergency charge mode is described below.
1. Choose ”Emerg Charge” in QCG with <ENTER>.
Battery Management
The battery management is active and the current set battery parameters and the current
charging phase are used. These values can be changed in ”normal operation”.
Generator and Grid Management
In emergency charge mode,
generator management and
grid management are
active. Reverse power protection and relay protection are also not active.
AC1 and AC2 are bridged
In case that AC1 and AC2 have been bridged the generator should be connected and
then manually started. Otherwise, it is possible that the magnetizing current trips the
generator fuse. (This can also happen when connecting the relay without using a bridge.)