Setting interruption for news ...... 118
Setting the time ............................. 116
System settings ............................. 116
Troubleshooting ............................. 210
Using external devices .................. 115
Volume/sound settings ................. 116
Warranty ........................................... 23
Authorised workshop
see Qualified specialist workshop
Automatic climate control
Activating/deactivating air-
recirculation mode .......................... 98
Cooling with air dehumidifica-
tion .................................................... 98
Demisting the rear window ............ 98
Demisting the windscreen .............. 98
Increasing/decreasing the
blower speed .................................... 97
Setting air distribution .................. 97
Setting the temperature ................. 97
Switching on/off .............................. 97
Windows misted up ......................... 98
Automatic headlamp mode
.................... 89
Automatic transmission
Display message ............................ 197
Engaging neutral ............................. 71
Engaging reverse gear .................... 71
Engaging the park position ............ 71
Important safety notes ................... 71
Kickdown .......................................... 72
Manually releasing the selec-
tor lever lock .................................. 183
Pulling away .................................... 69
Starting the engine ......................... 69
Transmission positions .................. 71
AUX jack
Audio-System ................................. 115
Media-System ................................ 123
Display message ............................ 208
see High-voltage battery
Battery (key)
Important safety notes ................. 188
Replacing ........................................ 188
Battery (vehicle)
see High-voltage battery
see Seat belt
Belt tensioner
Activation ......................................... 38
Belt warning
........................................... 41
Blower speed
Increasing or decreasing
(automatic climate control) ............ 97
Activating mobile phone
(Audio-System) ...................... 118, 119
Activating the mobile phone
(Media-System) .............................. 130
Authorising function for
mobile phone (Audio-System) ...... 119
Connecting a device (Media-
System) ........................................... 135
Connecting a different mobile
phone ....................................... 119, 131
Operating (Audio-System) ............ 122
Switching on/off (Media-Sys-
tem) ................................................. 130
Bonnet (front)
see Service cover
EBD ..................................................... 61
Brake Assist
see Active Brake Assist
Brake fluid
Display message ............................ 196
Brake force distribution
see EBD (electronic brake force
Brake lamp
Replacing bulbs ............................. 185
Brake lamps
Adaptive ............................................ 61
Display message ............................ 209
ABS ..................................................... 59
Driving tips ...................................... 76
Important safety notes ................... 76
Parking brake ................................... 70
Warning lamp ................................. 196