User Manual - twentynine
Line Debouncer
property defines the minimum time interval that an input signal must remain active in
order to be recognized as valid trigger. The line debouncer is used to prevent possible unwanted trigger
events as it eliminates short noises that could easily be interpreted as trigger signal. The function of the
trigger debouncer is shown in Figure 46; two glitches are ignored by the debouncer because the width of
these signals is shorter than the debouncer time value. The third signal is accepted as a valid trigger signal
as its width is longer than the debouncer time limit. The
feature is used to set the line
debouncer time expressed in
The line debouncer time effectively increases delay time between external trigger signal and internal trigger
signal used to start the selected event, so it should be set large enough to filter unwanted glitches that could
trigger the camera, but small enough to keep the delay as small as possible.
Figure 46: Line debouncer function
SMARTEK Vision | User Manual - twentynine | Doc. v1.0.2