User Manual
Radlabor GmbH | Heinrich-von-Stephan-Str. 5c | 79100 Freiburg | Germany
www.smartfit.bike | www.radlabor.de
4.4 Measurement
To start pedal force measurements, click the “measure” button.
A pop up window will open where filename and information about the trial can be entered. All
channels defined and marked green in the “channel definition instrument” are listed in this window.
A second selection which channels you want to record must be made. Select the trigger and all four
force channels by marking them green. After continuing a red line will run across the screen writing
and overwriting the recorded values in the graph. If you click on the Cycle Plot register and start
pedaling, red circles can be seen. These circles display the current forces relative to a black
reference circle. The black circle is the zero line. The further the red line is outside the circle, the
bigger is the force. The further it is inside, the bigger is the measured negative force. The displayed
channels can be changed above the charts.
The power calculations depend on the crank length, which has to be entered below the cycle plot
window. If the Trigger is not installed at the top dead center of the right crank arm, the offset can be
entered as well.
To start data recording click the “RECORD” button. You can pause data recording by clicking this
button again and f
inish the trial with “STOP”. While recording the “RECORD” button is green
and a
timer depicts the seconds written.
As soon as you press the “STOP” button, the program will as
k you if you want to start Online
processing. If you confirm, a second window will open and ask, which data you want to include for
your results. This is a control routine, which compares the length of data pieces between two trigger
signals to the average length. The tolerance interval is +/- 20% of the average signal length. If you
have no accelerated movement, there should not be more than one or two signals, which vary. This
is usually the last signal, because recording stops at most times less than one revolution after the
last trigger signal.