2017 SMARTfit, Inc. • www.smartfitinc
Chapter 10
Game Rules
Game Suite: A
Name: RallyWall
Game Rules:
All targets start with lights turned on.
Objective is to hit the system in the active target area as many times as
possible until the clock runs out.
When a lighted active target is hit, the targets are activated and a
positive tone is heard.
When time expires, the pods will light up with exploding targets,
flashing lights, and score will display on the CPU.
Each good hit earns 5 points.
Game Number: 1: All Targets
Game Number: 2: Upper 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 3: Upper 3 rows (5 targets), with penalty
Game Number: 4: Lower 4 rows (7 targets)
Game Number: 5: Lower 4 rows (7 targets) with penalty
Game Number: 6: Top Row (2 targets)
Game Number: 7: Top Row (2 targets) with penalty
Game Number: 8: Bottom Row (2 targets)
Game Number: 9: Bottom Row (2 targets) with penalty
Game Number: 10: Middle 3 rows (5 targets)
Game Number: 11: 3 rows (5 Targets) with penalty
Game Number: 12: Center Target Only (1 Target)
Game Number: 13: Center target Only (1 Target) with penalty
Game Suite: B
Game Rules:
Chase the Single Target
Chase one target at a time; all other targets are off.
The target starts out displaying an emoticon.
Score earned for each hit decreases with each color change.
Target remains red until the player can hit that target out, or time runs out.
Use a level with longer times for running or ball games.