HAT833 Series Three Power ATS Controller User Manual Page 23 of 56
The gensets which has the smaller power will start when mains abnormal or remote start signal
is active. If load power is greater than the power scheduling upper limit (default 80%) of the genset
with smaller power, genset with higher power will start and genset with lower power will stop. When
load power is lower than the power scheduling lower limit (default 30%) of the genset with higher
power, genset with lower power will start and genset with higher power will stop. If there is genset
fault alarm (genset supply delay overtime or genset fault input is active), fail to close or load inhibit
alarm occurs, the starting genset will be stop immediately and the additional genset will start
automatically. Otherwise, the current genset will running continuously until the remote start signal
For example, if system type is “S1 Mains S2 Gens S3 Gens”, S2 Genset is 500kW, S3 Genset is
250kW, the power scheduling upper limit of S2 Genset and S3 Genset are both 80%. S3 genset will
start first when mains abnormal, when load power is over 200kW, S2 genset will start and S3 genset
will stop. When load power is less than 150kW, S3 genset will start and S2 genset will stop.
In system of multiple sets of gensets to start/stop, it should meet following several conditions:
It is active in Auto mode;
System set as “S1 Gens S2 Gens S3 Mains, S1 Gens S2 Mains S3 Gens, S1 Mains S2
Gens S3 Gens, S2 Gens S2 Gens S3 Gens”;
If system is “S1 Gens S2 Gens S3 Mains”, the output should be set as “S1 Genset Start”
and “S2 Genset Start”; if system is “S1 Gens S2 Mains S3 Gens”, the output should be
set as “S1 Genset Start” and “S3 Genset Start”; if system is “S1 Mains S2 Gens S3 Gens”,
the output should be set as “S2 Genset Start” and “S3 Genset Start”; if system is “S1
Gens S2 Gens S3 Gens”, the output should be set as “S1 Genset Start”, “S2 Genset Start”
and “S3 Genset Start”;
If system is “S1 Gens S2 Gens S3 Mains”, the input should be set as “S1 Genset Fault
Input”, “S2 Genset Fault Input” and “Remote Start On Load” or “Remote Start Off Load”;
If system is “S1 Gens S2 Mains S3 Gens”, the input should be set as “S1 Genset Fault
Input”, “S3 Genset Fault Input” and “Remote Start On Load” or “Remote Start Off Load”;
If system is “S1 Mains S2 Gens S3 Gens”, the input should be set as “S2 Genset Fault
Input”, “S3 Genset Fault Input” and “Remote Start On Load” or “Remote Start Off Load”;
If system is “S1 Gens S2 Gens S3 Gens”, the input should be set as “ S1 Genset Fault
Input”, “S2 Genset Fault Input”, “S3 Genset Fault Input” and “Remote Start On Load” or
“Remote Start Off Load”;
Should set the system as “Gen-Gen Start Mode”;
Should configure setting “Genset Supply Delay”
If start mode is cycle run, also should
set “S1 Cycs Work Time”, “S2 Cycs Work Time” or “S1 Cycs Work Time”, “S3 Cycs Work
Time” or “S2 Cycs Work Time”, “S3 Cycs Work Time” and “S1 Cycs Work Time”, “S2 Cycs
Work Time”, “S3 Cycs Work Time”.
Among input ports, “S1 Genset Fault Input”, “S2 Genset Fault Input” and “S3 Genset Fault Input”
are selective setting, genset fault can be judged by “Genset Supply Delay” and there no need to inquire
the fault alarm via input port.
When Gen-Gen start type configured as “None”, there is no start genset signals output.
For example: