Smart Power Systems Network Power Management System
This page is used to select “Event Logs” and “Status Records” settings.
The application provides information on how many events are recorded before it is full.
Event Logs
Clear All Logs
Clear the existing event logs.
The Number of
The number of the existing event logs and the maximum number of the
event logs that can be recorded. Once the maximum number is reached,
new events overwrite oldest events in memory.
Save Event Logs
Save the existing event logs as a text file.
Status Records
Set the frequency status data is recorded. A smaller interval will provide
more frequent recordings but exhaust available memory quicker. A larger
interval will provide less frequent recordings, but save data for a longer
period of time.
Clear All Records
Clear the existing status records.
Remaining Time
The time that records have been kept. A smaller recording interval leads
to less remaining time while a larger recording interval leads to more
remaining time. Once the maximum number is reached, new status
records overwrite oldest status records in memory.
Save Status
Save the status records as a text file.
Energy Records
The frequency for recording the energy data.
Clear Entire
Clear the existing energy records.
Electricity Rate
The ratio of energy cost to energy.
CO2 Emissions
The ratio of CO2 emissions to energy.
Save Energy
Save the existing energy records as a text file.
Note: Event Logs and Status Records use a First In First Out memory. Oldest data will be
rewritten once memory is full.