background image


Business name and full address of the manufacturer ▪ Търговско име и пълен адрес на производителя ▪ Obchodní jméno a plná adresa 
výrobce ▪ Producentens firmanavn og fulde adresse ▪ Bedrijfsnaam en volledig adres van de fabrikant ▪ Tootja ärinimi ja täielik aadress ▪ 
Valmistajan toiminimi ja täydellinen osoite ▪ Nom commercial et adresse complète du fabricant ▪ Firmenname und vollständige Adresse des 
Herstellers ▪ Επωνυμία και ταχυδρομική διεύθυνση κατασκευαστή ▪ A gyártó üzleti neve és teljes címe ▪ Ragione sociale e indirizzo completo 
del fabbricante ▪ Uzņēmuma nosaukums un pilna ražotāja adrese ▪ Verslo pavadinimas ir pilnas gamintojo adresas ▪ Isem kummerċjali u 
indirizz sħiħ tal-fabbrikant ▪ Nazwa firmy i pełny adres producenta ▪ Nome da empresa e endereço completo do fabricante ▪ Denumirea 
comercială şi adresa completă a producătorului ▪ Obchodný názov a úplná adresa výrobcu ▪ Naziv podjetja in polni naslov proizvajalca ▪ 
Nombre de la empresa y dirección completa del fabricante ▪ Tillverkarens företagsnamn och kompletta adress

Smithco Inc. 

34 West Avenue  

Wayne, PA  USA   


Product Code ▪ Код на продукта ▪ Kód výrobku ▪ Produktkode ▪ Productcode ▪ Toote kood ▪ Tuotekoodi ▪ Code produit ▪ Produktcode ▪ 
Κωδικός προϊόντος ▪ Termékkód ▪ Codice prodotto ▪ Produkta kods ▪ Produkto kodas ▪ Kodiċi tal-Prodott ▪ Kod produktu ▪ Código do Produto ▪ 
Cod produs ▪ Kód výrobku ▪ Oznaka proizvoda ▪ Código de producto ▪ Produktkod


Machine Name ▪ Наименование на машината ▪ Název stroje ▪ Maskinnavn ▪ Machinenaam ▪ Masina nimi ▪ Laitteen nimi ▪ Nom de la machine 
▪ Maschinenbezeichnung ▪ Ονομασία μηχανήματος ▪ Gépnév ▪ Denominazione della macchina ▪ Iekārtas nosaukums ▪ Mašinos pavadinimas ▪ 
Isem tal-Magna ▪ Nazwa urządzenia ▪ Nome da Máquina ▪ Numele echipamentului ▪ Názov stroja ▪ Naziv stroja ▪ Nombre de la máquina ▪ 
Maskinens namn

Smithco Diesel Super Star

Designation ▪ Предназначение ▪ Označení ▪ Betegnelse ▪ Benaming ▪ Nimetus ▪ Tyyppimerkintä ▪ Pažymėjimas ▪ Bezeichnung ▪ 
Χαρακτηρισμός ▪ Megnevezés ▪ Funzione ▪ Apzīmējums ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Denominazzjoni ▪ Oznaczenie ▪ Designação ▪ Specificaţie ▪ Označenie ▪ 
Namen stroja ▪ Descripción ▪ Beteckning


Serial Number ▪ Сериен номер ▪ Sériové číslo ▪ Serienummer ▪ Serienummer ▪ Seerianumber ▪ Valmistusnumero ▪ Numéro de série ▪ 
Seriennummer ▪ Σειριακός αριθμός ▪ Sorozatszám ▪ Numero di serie ▪ Sērijas numurs ▪ Serijos numeris ▪ Numru Serjali ▪ Numer seryjny ▪ 
Número de Série ▪ Număr de serie ▪ Sériové číslo ▪ Serijska številka ▪ Número de serie ▪ Serienummer


Engine ▪ Двигател ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Mootor ▪ Moottori ▪ Moteur ▪ Motor ▪ Μηχανή ▪ Modulnév ▪ Motore ▪ Dzinējs ▪ Variklis ▪ Saħħa Netta 
Installata ▪ Silnik ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor ▪ Motor


Net Installed Power ▪ Нетна инсталирана мощност ▪ Čistý instalovaný výkon ▪ Installeret nettoeffekt ▪ Netto geïnstalleerd vermogen ▪ 
Installeeritud netovõimsus ▪ Asennettu nettoteho ▪ Puissance nominale nette ▪ Installierte Nettoleistung ▪ Καθαρή εγκατεστημένη ισχύς ▪ Nettó 
beépített teljesítmény ▪ Potenza netta installata ▪ Paredzētā tīkla jauda ▪ Grynoji galia ▪ Wisa’ tal-Qtugħ ▪ Moc zainstalowana netto ▪ Potência 
instalada ▪ Puterea instalată netă ▪ Čistý inštalovaný výkon ▪ Neto vgrajena moč ▪ Potencia instalada neta ▪ Nettoeffekt


Conforms to Directives ▪ В съответствие с директивите ▪ Splňuje podmínky směrnic ▪ Er i overensstemmelse med direktiver ▪ Voldoet aan de 
richtlijnen ▪ Vastab direktiividele ▪ Direktiivien mukainen ▪ Conforme aux directives ▪ Entspricht Richtlinien ▪ Ακολουθήστε πιστά τις Οδηγίες ▪ 
Megfelel az irányelveknek ▪ Conforme alle Direttive ▪ Atbilst direktīvām ▪ Atitinka direktyvų reikalavimus ▪ Valutazzjoni tal-Konformità ▪ 
Dyrektywy związane ▪ Cumpre as Directivas ▪ Respectă Directivele ▪ Je v súlade so smernicami ▪ Skladnost z direktivami ▪ Cumple con las 
Directivas ▪ Uppfyller direktiv



Conformity Assessment ▪ Оценка за съответствие ▪ Hodnocení plnění podmínek ▪ Overensstemmelsesvurdering ▪ Conformiteitsbeoordeling ▪ 
Vastavushindamine ▪ Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointi ▪ Evaluation de conformité ▪ Konformitätsbeurteilung ▪ ∆ιαπίστωση Συμμόρφωσης ▪ 
Megfelelőség-értékelés ▪ Valutazione della conformità ▪ Atbilstības novērtējums ▪ Atitikties įvertinimas ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Imkejjel ▪ 
Ocena zgodności ▪ Avaliação de Conformidade ▪ Evaluarea conformităţii ▪ Vyhodnotenie zhodnosti ▪ Ocena skladnosti ▪ Evaluación de 
conformidad ▪ Bedömning av överensstämmelse


>Zd/KEK&KE&KZD/dzඵʪʫʶʸʤˀʤˉʰ˔ʯʤˁˎʽ˃ʦʫ˃ˁ˃ʦʰʫඵWZK,>aE1K^,K ඵKsZE^^dDD>^^Z<>Z/E'ඵ


KE&KZD/dඵ<KE&KZD/d d^Z<> ZhE'ඵȴȸȿёɇȸɇɉɀɀɃɆɌёɇȸɇඵD'&>>S^'/Ez/>d<Kdඵ/,/Z/KE/




Measured Sound Power Level ▪ Измерено ниво на звукова мощност ▪ Naměřený akustický výkon ▪ Målte lydstyrkeniveau ▪ Gemeten 
geluidsniveau ▪ Mõõdetud helivõimsuse tase ▪ Mitattu äänitehotaso ▪ Niveau de puissance sonore mesuré ▪ Gemessener Schalldruckpegel ▪ 
Σταθμισμένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος ▪ Mért hangteljesítményszint ▪ Livello di potenza sonora misurato ▪ Izmērītais skaņas jaudas līmenis ▪ 
Išmatuotas garso stiprumo lygis ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Iggarantit ▪ Moc akustyczna mierzona ▪ Nível sonoro medido ▪ Nivelul măsurat al 
puterii acustice ▪ Nameraná hladina akustického výkonu ▪ Izmerjena raven zvočne moči ▪ Nivel de potencia sonora medido ▪ Uppmätt 


Guaranteed Sound Power Level ▪ Гарантирано ниво на звукова мощност ▪ Garantovaný akustický výkon ▪ Garanteret lydstyrkeniveau ▪ 
Gegarandeerd geluidsniveau ▪ Garanteeritud helivõimsuse tase ▪ Taattu äänitehotaso ▪ Niveau de puissance sonore garanti ▪ Garantierter 
Schalldruckpegel ▪ Εγγυημένο επίπεδο ηχητικής ισχύος ▪ Szavatolt hangteljesítményszint ▪ Livello di potenza sonora garantito ▪ Garantētais 
skaņas jaudas līmenis ▪ Garantuotas garso stiprumo lygis ▪ Livell tal-Qawwa tal-Ħoss Iggarantit ▪ Moc akustyczna gwarantowana ▪ Nível sonoro 
farantido ▪ Nivelul garantat al puterii acustice ▪ Garantovaná hladina akustického výkonu ▪ Zajamčena raven zvočne moči ▪ Nivel de potencia 
sonora garantizado ▪ Garanterad ljudeffektsnivå


Conformity Assessment Procedure (Noise) ▪ Оценка за съответствие на процедурата (Шум) ▪ Postup hodnocení plnění podmínek (hluk) ▪ 
Procedure for overensstemmelsesvurdering (Støj) ▪ Procedure van de conformiteitsbeoordeling (geluid) ▪ Vastavushindamismenetlus (müra) ▪ 
Vaatimustenmukaisuuden arviointimenettely (Melu) ▪ Procédure d’évaluation de conformité (bruit) ▪ Konformitätsbeurteilungsverfahren 
(Geräusch) ▪ ∆ιαδικασία Αξιολόγησης Συμμόρφωσης (Θόρυβος) ▪ Megfelelőség-értékelési eljárás (Zaj) ▪ Procedura di valutazione della 
conformità (rumore) ▪ Atbilstības novērtējuma procedūra (troksnis) ▪ Atitikties įvertinimo procedūra (garsas) ▪ Proċedura tal-Valutazzjoni tal-
Konformità (Ħoss) ▪ Procedura oceny zgodności (poziom hałasu) ▪ Processo de avaliação de conformidade (nível sonoro) Procedura de 
evaluare a conformităţii (zgomot) ▪ Postup vyhodnocovania zhodnosti (hluk) ▪ Postopek za ugotavljanje skladnosti (hrup) ▪ Procedimiento de 
evaluación de conformidad (ruido) ▪ Procedur för bedömning av överensstämmelse (buller)


UK Notified Body for 2000/14/EC ▪ Нотифициран орган в Обединеното кралство за 2000/14/ЕО ▪ Úřad certifikovaný podle směrnice č. 
2000/14/EC ▪ Det britiske bemyndigede organ for 2001/14/EF ▪ Engels adviesorgaan voor 2000/14/EG ▪ Ühendkuningriigi teavitatud asutus 
direktiivi 2000/14/EÜ mõistes ▪ Direktiivin 2000/14/EY mukainen ilmoitettu tarkastuslaitos Isossa-Britanniassa ▪ Organisme notifié concernant la 
directive 2000/14/CE ▪ Britische benannte Stelle für 2000/14/EG ▪ Κοινοποιημένος Οργανισμός Ηνωμένου Βασιλείου για 2000/14/ΕΚ ▪ 
2000/14/EK – egyesült királyságbeli bejelentett szervezet ▪ Organismo Notificato in GB per 2000/14/CE ▪ 2000/14/EK AK reģistrētā organizācija 
▪ JK notifikuotosios įstaigos 2000/14/EC ▪ Korp Notifikat tar-Renju Unit għal 2000/14/KE ▪ Dopuszczona jednostka badawcza w Wielkiej Brytanii 
wg 2000/14/WE ▪ Entidade notificada no Reino Unido para 2000/14/CE ▪ Organism notificat în Marea Britanie pentru 2000/14/CE ▪ Notifikovaný 
orgán Spojeného kráľovstva pre smernicu 2000/14/ES ▪ Britanski priglašeni organ za 2000/14/ES ▪ Cuerpo notificado en el Reino Unido para 
2000/14/CE ▪ Anmält organ för 2000/14/EG i Storbritannien




Operator Ear Noise Level ▪ Оператор на нивото на доловим от ухото шум ▪ Hladina hluku v oblasti uší operátora ▪ Støjniveau i førers 
ørehøjde ▪ Geluidsniveau oor bestuurder ▪ Müratase operaatori kõrvas ▪ Melutaso käyttäjän korvan kohdalla ▪ Niveau de bruit à hauteur des 
oreilles de l’opérateur ▪ Schallpegel am Bedienerohr ▪ Επίπεδο θορύβου σε λειτουργία ▪ A kezelő fülénél mért zajszint ▪ Livello di potenza 
sonora all’orecchio dell’operatore ▪ Trokšņa līmenis pie operatora auss ▪ Dirbančiojo su mašina patiriamo triukšmo lygis ▪ Livell tal-Ħoss fil-
Widna tal-Operatur ▪ Dopuszczalny poziom hałasu dla operatora ▪ Nível sonoro nos ouvidos do operador ▪ Nivelul zgomotului la urechea 
operatorului ▪ Hladina hluku pôsobiaca na sluch operátora ▪ Raven hrupa pri ušesu upravljavca ▪ Nivel sonoro en el oído del operador ▪ 
Ljudnivå vid förarens öra

96dB(A)Lwa (2006/42/EC)

Summary of Contents for Super Star Diesel

Page 1: ...Super Star Diesel Model 43 500 B Super Star FX Model 43 250 A October 2014 Product Support Hwy SS Poplar Ave Cameron WI 54822 1 800 891 9435 productsupport smithco com Operator s ...

Page 2: ...ions 8 Setup 9 Controls Instruments Super Star FX 10 Controls Instruments Super Star Diesel 11 Operation 12 Daily Checklist 13 Quick Hitch 13 Service Chart 14 15 How To Rake A Sand Trap 16 Service 17 Battery 17 Other 18 20 Declaration of Conformity Super Star Diesel 18 19 Declaration of Conformity Super Star FX 19 20 Limited Warranty Introduction Service Diagrams ...

Page 3: ...ithco Smithco Smithco Smithco Smithco machines have a Serial Number and Model Number Both numbers are needed when ordering parts Refer to engine manual for placement of engine serial number For product and accessory information help finding a dealer or to register your procuct please contact us at www Smithco com Information needed when ordering replacement parts 1 Model Number of machine 2 Serial...

Page 4: ...e Release Hydraulic Oil Level Choke Open Choke Closed Hand Throttle Hour Meter Hour Meter Fuse Glow Plug Glow Plug Off Glow Plug On RPM Gasoline Diesel Water Temperature Temperature Light Engine Oil Engine Stop Engine Start Engine Run No Electrical Power Electrical Power Read Operator s Manual ...

Page 5: ...SYMBOLS No Smoking Moving Parts Manual Operation Pinch Point Step Hot Surface Hydraulic Fluid Penetration Lift Arm Tractor Engage Disengage PTO Ground Speed Fast Slow H High L Low F Forward R Reverse N Neutral Warning Danger Caution Up Raise Down Lower Up Down Arrow ...

Page 6: ...esult in death or serious injury and includes hazards that are exposed when guards are removed It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices CAUTION Yellow Indicates a potentially hazardous situation that if not avoided may result in minor or moderate injury It may also be used to alert against unsafe practices SPARKARRESTOR The engine in these machines are not equipped with a spark arrest...

Page 7: ...his as a standard procedure When towing do not tow the machine faster than 2 3 MPH 3 5 km h because the drive system may be damaged The tires may lock up if the machine is towed too fast If this occurs stop towing the machine If the machine must be moved a considerable distance transport it on a truck or trailer Speed Boss by Speed Boss allows the machine to operate at a proper speed while raking ...

Page 8: ... key 11 After engine has started machine must not move If movement is evident the neutral mechanism is not adjusted correctly Shut engine off and readjust so the machine does not move when in neutral position 13 Never use your hands to search for oil leaks Hydraulic fluid under pressure can penetrate the skin and cause serious injury 14 This machine demands your attention To prevent loss of contro...

Page 9: ...System Liquid Cooled Lubrication System Full Pressure Alternator 16 amp WHEELS TIRE 3 22 x 11 x10 0 knobby 5 psi 34 bar Front tire fluid filled to 80 lbs total 45 5 pints of windshield washer fluid or equivalent Speed Forward Speed 0 to 11 m p h 0 18 kph Reverse Speed 0 to 5 m p h 0 8 kph BATTERY Automotive Type 45 12 Volt BCI Group Size 45 Cold Cranking Amps 480 Ground Terminal Polarity Negative ...

Page 10: ... Pressure Alternator 16 amp TIRES WHEELS Three 22 X 11 10 0 Knobby Tires 5 psi 34 bar Front tire fluid filled to 80 lbs total 45 5 pints of windshield washer fluid or equivalent Speed Forward Speed 0 to 11 m p h 0 18 kph Reverse Speed 0 to 5 m p h 0 8 kph BATTERY Automotive Type 45 12 Volt BCI Group Size 45 Cold Cranking Amps 480 Ground Terminal Polarity Negative Maximum Length 9 23 cm Maximum Wid...

Page 11: ...ive grounding system Attach the battery hold downs Then attach red positive cable A to positive terminal Slide rubber boot over the positive terminal to prevent shorts Attach black negative cable B to the negative terminal Connecting battery cables to the wrong post could result in personal injury and or damage to the electrical system Make sure battery and cables do not interfere or rub on any mo...

Page 12: ...ortable position RAKELIFTLEVER This lever H raises and lowers all rear attachments To lower push forward to raise pull back Release the lever when attachment is in proper position and lever will return to neutral LIFT ASSEMBLY LEVER This lever J raises and lowers all attachments under the center of the machine To lower push forward to raise pull back Release the lever when attachment is in proper ...

Page 13: ... steering wheel to a comfortable posi tion RAKELIFTLEVER This lever H raises and lowers all rear attachments To lower push forward to raise pull back Release the lever when attachment is in proper position and lever will return to neutral LIFTASSEMBLYLEVER This lever J raises and lowers all attachments under the center of the machine To lower push forward to raise pull back Release the lever when ...

Page 14: ...ngine in cold weather the oil in the hydrostatic pump may provide too much resistance to start a cold machine Before attempting to start the engine in cold weather disengage the drive belt to the hydrostatic by pushing down the idler lever until it catches in the notch on the latching lever Start engine and allow it to warm up with no load When the engine is warm shut off engine Push down on the l...

Page 15: ...35 cm from top of tank If level is low add SAE 10W 40 API Service SJ or higher motor oil 8 Inspect steering throttle and shift linkages for good hookups and clear travel 9 Check anti vibration mounts on engine frame 10 Check controls for smooth proper working operation Lubricate as needed 11 Remove debris from engine compartment QUICK HITCH Bunker Rakes are fitted with a Quick Hitch Accessory Moun...

Page 16: ...level Clean area around muffler and controls Check the hydraulic fluid level Check the tire pressure Check condition of hydraulic hoses and fittings Inspect and clean the machine After the first 50 hours Change Hydraulic Oil Filter Clean or change air filter 1 Clean pre cleaner 1 Change engine oil and filter Replace spark plug Lubricate machine Clean or change remote air cleaner Check the battery ...

Page 17: oil and filter Clean or change air filter 1 Clean pre cleaner 1 Change engine oil and filter Replace spark plug Lubricate machine Clean or change remote air cleaner Check the battery fluid level and cable connections Check belt tension Check radiator hoses and clamp bands Check idle speed Repalce oil filter cartridge Change hydrauilic oil filter Check air intake line Torque the wheel lug nuts 6...

Page 18: ...nd turn machine and drive down one side of trap and come back up other side Grass or other material may build up on rake tines as machine passes enter exit point in Figure 1 Lift rake briefly while still moving forward Do not rake closer than 6 15 cm to edge of trap Do not rake slopes in trap The weight of machine will pull sand down Use cultivator or other center mounted accessories only as neces...

Page 19: fumes when electrolyte is added 4 Avoid spilling or dripping electrolyte Battery Electrolyte is an acidic solution and should be handled with care If electrolyte is splashed on any part of your body flush all contact areas immediately with liberal amounts of water Get medical attention immediately JUMP STARTING Use of booster battery and jumper cables Particular care should be used when connec...

Page 20: ...h ඵ Z d KE KE KZD d ඵ KE KZD d d Z ZhE ඵ ȴȸȿёɇȸ ɇɉɀɀɃɆɌёɇȸɇ ඵ D S Ez d K d ඵ Z KE KE KZD d ඵ d d5 Z ඵ d d d Z ඵ Z KE d Ͳ KE KZD d ඵ Z K EK_ ඵ Z K KE KZD ඵ Z Ԑ KE KZD d d ඵ sz E K K ඵ s K EK d ඵ Z ME KE KZD ඵ Z d KE KD Ps Z E d DD Measured Sound Power Level Измерено ниво на звукова мощност Naměřený akustický výkon Målte lydstyrkeniveau Gemeten geluidsniveau Mõõdetud helivõimsuse tase Mitattu äänite...

Page 21: ...n laadintaan jolla on hallussaan teknisetasiakirjat joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant à détenir la documentationtechnique à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté Unterschrift der Person die berechtigt ist die Erklärung im Namen des H...

Page 22: ...ඵ Z d KE KE KZD d ඵ KE KZD d d Z ZhE ඵ ȴȸȿёɇȸ ɇɉɀɀɃɆɌёɇȸɇ ඵ D S Ez d K d ඵ Z KE KE KZD d ඵ d d5 Z ඵ d d d Z ඵ Z KE d Ͳ KE KZD d ඵ Z K EK_ ඵ Z K KE KZD ඵ Z Ԑ KE KZD d d ඵ sz E K K ඵ s K EK d ඵ Z ME KE KZD ඵ Z d KE KD Ps Z E d DD Measured Sound Power Level Измерено ниво на звукова мощност Naměřený akustický výkon Målte lydstyrkeniveau Gemeten geluidsniveau Mõõdetud helivõimsuse tase Mitattu ääniteho...

Page 23: ...n hallussaan teknisetasiakirjat joka on valtuutettu laatimaan tekniset asiakirjat ja joka on sijoittautunut yhteisöön Signature de la personne habilitée à rédiger la déclaration au nom du fabricant à détenir la documentationtechnique à compiler les fichiers techniques et qui est implantée dans la Communauté Unterschrift der Person die berechtigt ist die Erklärung im Namen des Herstellers abzugeben...

Page 24: ...f you need help locating an Authorized Smithco Distributor or if you have questions regarding your warranty rights or responsibilities you may contact us at Smithco Product Support Department 200 W Poplar PO Box 487 Cameron Wisconsin 54822 Telephone 1 800 891 9435 E Mail ProductSupport smithco com Maintenance Parts Parts scheduled for replacement as required maintenance Maintenance Parts are warra...

Page 25: ...nty gives you specific legal rights and you may also have other rights which vary from state to state THERE ARE NO OTHER EXPRESS WARRANTIES OTHER THAN THOSE SET FORTH ABOVE ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR USE ARE LIMITED TO THE DURATION OF THE LIMITED WARRANTIES CONTAINED HEREIN Some states may not allow limitations on how long an implied warranty lasts so the above limit...
