Using the SureTrack Website
The Leaderboard shows the top ranked SureTrack community members. Community
members are awarded points for answering questions, and those that gather the most points
show on the Leaderboard. For additional information on asking questions, see
Leaderboard points are awarded as follows:
1 point is awarded for answering a question.
5 points are awarded if your answer is rated as a “Good Answer” by the SureTrack community
member who asked the question.
10 points are awarded if your answer is rated as the “Best Answer” by the SureTrack
community member who asked the question.
Bonus points are awarded for:
An extra 15 points every time three Best Answers are provided in the week.
An extra 10 points for a combination of 3 Good Answers and Best Answers per week.
Answers can only be counted once for bonus points.
15.5.3 Dashboard
displays search results for the active vehicle. Search results may be listed
in several categories (not all categories are available for all vehicles). Tabs across the top allow
you to select results by category (e.g. SureTrack, Component Test and Library).
SureTrack Tab
The SureTrack tab displays the following information:
—presents a list of Tips that directly correlate to your search criteria. Select a tip from the
list to open and review the complete Tip (
). For addition information, see
Common Replaced Parts Graph
—when a tip is selected the Common Replaced Parts graph
appears at the top the Dashboard page. The graph shows the frequency with which parts,
commonly related to the Tip, are replaced and at what vehicle mileage. The data in the
Common Replaced Parts graph is actual data extracted from millions of recorded repair
orders from shops all around the country. For additional information,