8 Editor
8.3 Setup Editor
takes you to the setup screen. Here, you can edit all the parameters found in the
ACME-4 setup mode. In addition there are few more parameters that cannot be edited on the ACME-
4 itself. Pressing
Swing Editor
takes you back to the swing pattern editor screen.
Except for
Clock Speed Limit
Permanent Offset
changes to parameters will only tran-
fered to the ACME-4 by using the
function. Changes of Clock Speed Limit and Permanent
Offset are transferred immediately, but also need to be permanently stored in the ACME-4 by press-
ing the
8.3.1 Clock Pulse Width
This parameters sets the maximum step shift when turning the swing control fully cw/ccw. Not all se-
quencers/drum machines handle strong clock shifts equally well. Therefor the ACME-4 comes from
the factory with a Clock Pulse Width setting of 9, which should work fine for most machines. If you
want to use more extreme swing, you should adjust this parameter for the slaves you have connected
to the ACME-4.
Here is a prooven method to figure out the maximum setting a machine can handle:
1. Connect a sequencer/drum machine to one clock channel to use as reference.
2. Connect your test candidate to another clock channel
3. Turn the candidate’s channel to double tempo and start the ACME-4.
4. In the editor bring up the candidate’s Clock Pulse Width untill the two machines are no longer
in sync.
5. Now stop the ACME-4 and increase the Clock Pulse Width by one.
6. Restart the ACME-4. Should the 2 machines still be out of sync, go back to the step above.
Be careful when setting the Clock Pulse Width. With this parameter it is possible to get
everything to a point where nothing is in sync anymore. When in doubt it’s better to go back to a
setting of 9.