9 Appendix
9.1 Troubleshooting / FAQ
the DAW does not recognize the clock plugin
1. Are you using the correct plugin version? 32-bit plugins will not work with 64-bit host programs,
and vice-versa!
2. Is the plugin in the correct folder? Check your DAW manual to see which one that is.
3. Some programs, like Ableton Live, require a “re-scan plugins” to be performed for new plugins
to be recognized.
the ACME-4 won’t start when using the analog clock input
1. Is the clock cable connected properly?
2. Have you selected the same audio ouput on your clock track as the one the ACME-4 is con-
nected to?
3. Is the output level of your clock track high enough? The ACME-4 expects pulses of at least 0.7
volts. This corresponds roughly to 0 dBm peak.
the ACME-4 starts but has drop outs
1. Check the clock level (see above)
2. Should you not use one of the plugins or the clock template from our website, you have to make
sure that you clock track in fact sends out 16th triggers continously.
The various slaves drift away from the master clock, but “meet” again in regular intervals
Make sure that all slaves, the song in your software sequencer, and the ACME-4 are all set to the
same measure
The tempo of the internal clock generator cannot be changed
Is the Tempo LED (below the Memory/Tempo control) lit? If not you are in Recall mode (the Memory
LED is lit) and you need to press Recall again.
Should the Recall and Manual LEDs light up alternatingly some paramteters of the current mem-
ory have been changed. If you wish not to loose these changes you first have to store the current
settings. Then you press Recall again.