is the next generation
snom DECT handheld that empowers
users with the convenience of wire-
less communication along with the
widely accepted benefi ts and feature
richness of Voice over IP telephony.
delivers excellent
speech quality through digital cord-
less audio. By combining functions
of business communication with the
ease of use of consumer products, the
snom m9 is ideally suited for profes-
sional and private use alike. With fea-
tures such as hands free mode, calling
line identifi cation (CLI) by displaying
name, number and image of the caller
as well as typical mobile phone fea-
tures such as address book, calen-
dar, calculator and alarm function, the
provides the perfect blend
of mobility and accessibility.
The DECT based
vides interference free communica-
tion by making use of the dedicated
DECT frequency band. In addition,
delivers the typical ben-
efi ts of the DECT world such as high
standby time and superior speech
quality in addition to internet applica-
tion integration,thus providing a deci-
sive edge over WLAN-based hand-
The access point covers roughly 50m
(150 ft) indoors and approx. 300m
(1000 ft) outdoors (depending on the
actual topology of a building and/or
outdoor premise).
The intuitive design of the
makes it a highly consumer friendly
and convenient handheld device. With
its illuminated keypad and TFT color
display, the cordless phone is ideally
suited for enterprise and SoHo envi-
ronments alike. The address book may
include JPEG images which are dis-
played on incoming calls.
The menu driven graphical user inter-
face allows intuitive usage and fi ve
navigation keys provide easy access
to most of the phone functions sav-
ing users from the hassle of searching
through complicated menus.
Furthermore, the USB interface
and the large fl ash memory provide
an excellent potential for future en-
hancements. The attractive design
underlined by its modern look is what
defi nes this state of-the-art VoIP wire-
less telephone.
To enable seamless integration in
most VoIP environments, the
delivers pre-confi gured PBX profi les
allowing it to be employed in paral-
lel with the most popular SIP plat-
forms with the click of a button. The
is the fi rst device from snom
that comes with full IPv6 support from
day one. Such features combined
with automatic confi guration down-
load make the
a truly unique
cordless device. Last but not least, the
incorporates the renowned
SIP stack from snom with its decade
long proven interoperability and tech-
nology leadership.
• Interference-free telephony
• 100+ hours standby time
• Proven interoperability
• Security (TLS, SRTP, pre-installed
X.509 certifi cate)
• Color Picture Caller-ID
• IPv6 support
• Up to 9 handsets per base station
• Up to 4 simultaneous calls per
base station
• Intercom, alarm and calendar function
• And much more
• Voice encryption