Figure 9.24.2 - Platform Emergency Lower
Valve - Fibreglass Platform
The up per boom should be gin to lower im me di -
To re tract the fly boom op er ate the fly boom le ver.
To lower the lower boom op er ate the lower boom
le ver.
To test the slew while low er ing op er ate the slew le -
NOTE 1 Emergency Lowering:
Slewing, retracting the fly boom and lowering the
lower boom during bleed down must be
accomplished before the upper boom is fully
NOTE 2 Emergency Lowering:
The manual emergency lower valve must be
closed after the test to ensure proper boom
For detailed emergency lowering procedures see
“Emergency Operation” chapter 11.
Platform Control Switches
Machines with Hydraulic Controls
Figure 9.25 - Platform Control Switches -
Steel Platform
Figure 9.25.2 - Platform Control Switches -
Fibreglass Platform
On the ground con trol box set the
Ground/Plat -
form Se lec tor
to plat form (see Fig ure 9.21).
With the Ground/Platform Selector set to ground:
Check that each of the boom moving valve levers
(see Figure 9.26) (
through to
) cause the
MHP15/44HD to move the way it should.
NOTE - Platform Control Valve Levers:
Depending on the configuration of your machine
you may not have a 'Platform Rotate'
Check the valves in both directions.
Figure 9.26 - Platform Boom and Basket
For correct operating procedures see the
"Operation" chapter 10.
Pay particular attention to the Emergency
Stop Switch
to see that it turns the
MHP15/44HD off when struck (see Figure
At the completion of the above section the unit
can be returned to the stowed position.
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Rev F
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
9. Pre-operational Inspection