10. Operation
Operating Procedures
This chap ter ex plains how to prop erly start and op -
er ate an MHP15/44HD. Read and un der stand all
the pre vi ous chap ters in this man ual be fore you be -
gin to op er ate an MHP15/44HD.
Do not leave the MHP15/44HD engine
running if you are sandblasting. Sand drawn
into the air intake can erode engine parts.
Control Stations
An MHP15/44HD can be op er ated from the ground
con trol box or from the plat form con trol box. There
are ba si cally two dif fer ences be tween ground con -
trol and plat form con trol op er a tions, both are safety
re lated:
1. The ground control station can override the
platform control station at any time. If a
person operating the machine from the
platform becomes incapacitated, a person on
the ground can always take over machine
2. The stabilisers can only be selected from the
ground control station and only when the
booms are in the stowed position.
T h e M H P 1 5 /4 4 H D i s n o t E l e c t r i c a ll y
Insulated in its standard form.
Death or Serious Injury to operating
personnel, can occur if the machine should
come into contact with energized electrical
wires during operation.
DO NOT attempt to operate the MHP15/44HD
ground controls if the platform, booms, or
a n y o t h e r c o n d u c t i n g p a r t o f a n
MHP15/44HD is in contact with energized
electrical wires or if there is an immediate
danger of such contact.
See the "Electrical Hazard" section, in this
manual for a complete explanation of the hazards
concerning electricity.
Emergency Stopping
T o s t o p a n M H P 1 5 / 4 4 HD , p r e s s t h e r e d
ton in, on ei
ther the
ground con trol box or the plat form con trol box
Emergency Stopping
Machines with Electric Controls
Figure 10.1 - Ground Con trol Box Emer gency
Stop Switch Lo ca tion.
Figure 10.2 - Platform Control Box Emergency
Stop Switch Location.
Emergency Stopping
Machines with Hydraulic Controls
Figure 10.3 - Ground Control Box Emergency
Stop Switch Location
MHP15/44HD – 12885A
Rev F
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