The Solahart PowerStore 315PVV water heater is a premium electric water heater designed to work in
partnership with an external control device in order to take advantage of excess solar PV power production.
When installed with an external control device, the PowerStore water heater is able to closely match its power
consumption to excess solar PV generation, when the water it contains requires heating. Water is then heated
at the expense of the surrendered solar feed-in tariff, rather than purchasing energy from the utility grid to
perform the heating.
The Solahart PowerStore also has the ability to tell the external control device the amount of hot water available
at any time, enabling it to be used as a key component in a sophisticated home energy management system
(HEMS) provided by a third party service provider. This would allow the water heater to use utility grid sourced
power for additional water heating or to achieve safety and compliance requirements (when required) at the
most economical electricity tariff available.
The Solahart PowerStore operates as a variable power input water heater when there is excess solar PV
power production. When excess power generated from the solar PV system is detected and water heating is
required, the PowerStore’s master controller module and the external control device react enabling the water
heater to operate at an equivalent power consumption.
A combination of the unique multi-stage triple blade heating unit design and step-smoothing electronics
enables continuously variable input from zero to full power for each of the upper and lower heating units. This
variable power control system allows the water heater to operate whenever smaller or larger amounts of excess
solar PV power production are detected and water heating is required, making the most of excess solar PV
metering, control and internet
connectivity provided by
third party suppliers