June 2020
Solar Stik
, Inc.
24VDC PRO-Verter 5000-120 AGS Operator Manual
Load Prioritization
The PRO-Verter has a “one-track mind” when it comes to managing power – In every operation
mode it is entirely focused on maintaining constant power to the load. This function is key to
understanding how the PRO-Verter behaves. It makes decisions and executes actions based on
a real-time operating conditions, which include:
• Total amount of power available to the PRO-Verter
• total power needed to support the load
• Battery state of charge (SOC)
• Temperature
• User programming for special conditions
PRO-Verters can be used with grid-utility or generator AC power, and can be easily adjusted to
work with the amperage limits of both the AC load circuit and the external AC power source.
Limitations can be programmed into the PRO-Verter, and once done, it effectively calculates
and then regulates how much power is delegated between the circuits, preventing “overload”
conditions, while maintaining (prioritizing) the load.
If there are dynamic changes in the load, the PRO-Verter can instantly increase or decrease
current flow to both the load and batteries simultaneously while maintaining a 100% load at the
generator (AC INPUT).
If a PRO-Verter is being used with other external DC power sources (i.e. Photovoltaic, Wind,
vehicular, fuel cells, etc), all incoming power will be directed (prioritized) to the load, reducing
DC flowing from the batteries, prolonging battery-operation time and the reducing need for AC
from a grid-utility or generator source.
If a PRO-Verter is being used with a fuel-driven generator, the AGS circuit can be used to
control the generator when the battery SOC is low. Once the battery SOC reaches a determined
point, the PRO-Verter AGS circuit will start the generator, ensuring (prioritizing) power to the
load. In effect, the PRO-Verter uses a connected generator as the last line of defense against
mission failure.
With Load Prioritization, the load will always be the first to receive AC, with balance of electrical
output from a grid-utility or generator converted to “potential energy” which is stored in the
batteries, to be used during periods where the grid source is unavailable or the generator is off.
Real-time Load Management
When connected to an active AC power source, the PRO-Verter can automatically adjust (in real
time) its battery-charging rate to keep the total load value under the AC INPUT setting value.
If the load is dynamic, the PRO-Verter can make immediate adjustments and keep the total load
on the AC power source from exceeding the value of the AC INPUT setting while still maintaining a
100% load at the external AC power source (generator or grid-utility).
It is incumbent on the operator to ensure the sum of all loads does not exceed the limit of the AC
source (generator or grid-utility) or the connections or circuit protections in the network. The AC