Heating control - user manual
Instructions for the installation and setup
of the device
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Subnet mask
: Enter the mask of your local network. In the overwhelming majority of cases the value is
This is also the pre-set subnet mask in the controller.
Default gateway
: Set the IP address of the device which will be used for sending controller requests
outside the local network. In the overwhelming majority of cases it is the IP address of your router. In
the given example the address will be
This is also the pre-set IP address of the default
gateway in the controller. If you do not have such a device, enter a different unused IP address in your
local network. In this case, however, requests directed outside the local network will not be
Controller MAC address
: Enter the physical/MAC address of your controller. Change this value only if
there is another device with the same physical address in your local network.
: The Heating Control devices do not have their own address range registered within the IEEE.
you change the MAC address, you must respect specific rules which apply to these addresses!
UDP port
: Enter the value of the UDP port to which UDP communication from the HC downloader
program will be directed. We recommend that you change this value only if there are more UDP
servers in your local network (which should be accessible from the Internet) or if you wish to improve
the protection of the connection. If you change the UDP port in the controller, it is also necessary to
change the UDP port settings in the configuration of the connection driver via LAN/UDP of the HC
downloader software. The default value pre-set in the controller is 50000.
HTTP port
: Enter the value of the HTTP port where the controller will listen to requests of the HTTP
protocol, i.e. of the web interface. We recommend that you change this value only if there are more
web servers in your local network (which should be accessible from the Internet) or if you wish to
improve the protection of the connection. The default value pre-set in the controller is 80.
In order to connect to the Internet it is recommended that you have an active global static IP address. If you
have only a dynamically assigned IP address, this address can be found from the settings of your router. A
dynamic IP address can be also used, but depending on the Internet connection provider this address can
change with varying frequency. Therefore, if the controller is not accessible from the Internet, always check the
global WAN network configuration in your router first.
The controller can be accessed from the Internet only through routers or other access points which include the
function (Native Address Translation) or another similar function, which is used for translating IP
addresses into the local network.
The following text describes a sample Internet connection configuration using the Zyxel P660 router for both
TCP and UDP protocols. The procedure is as follows:
Click to open the drop-down list “
Service name
” in the “
Port forwarding
” tag and
select the “
User Define
” item.
Fill in the row in the routing table according to the figure and press “
”, this will write the setting
in the router.
Repeat the procedure for both rows of the table (protocol TCP and UDP).
The setting of the NAT function is similar for other routers.