Heating control - user manual
Instructions for the installation and setup
of the device
Page 39 of 58
Description of configuration and status elements:
“Mode” – it allows you to select the mode of a time schedule. 4 modes are available:
“Not used” – the time schedule is not used.
“Temperature” – the time schedule will set a specific temperature requirement (see the
relevant control block) in the set time.
“Restricted” – the time schedule will restrict the switching on of specific outputs of the
control block to a set limit in the defined time. Using this schedule you can, for example,
restrict the power of the heat or circulation pump to a certain limit. The restriction has the
highest priority and it is valid in the set time regardless of the other simultaneously set time
schedules of the “Enforced” type or the internal requirements of the control block.
“Enforced” – the time schedule will enforce the switching on of specific outputs of the control
block to a set value in the defined time. This schedule can, for example, enforce a certain
power of the heat or circulation pump or the full switching on of the output. Enforcing has
the second highest priority, but only if the control block does not require higher power for
the given outputs (or full switching).
“From” – the start time of the time schedule. If the “From” time is later than the “To” time, then the
time schedule is active from the “From” time until midnight and then on the second day from
midnight until the “To” time.
“To” – the finish time of the time schedule. If the “From” time is later than the “To” time, then the
time schedule is active from the “From” time until midnight and then on the second day from
midnight until the “To” time.
“M, T, W, T, F, S, S” – these fields can be used to configure on which days the time schedule will be
Value field (without a caption) – It shows a value depending on the setting of the time schedule mode:
“Not used” – the field is hidden.
“Temperature” – the field allows you to enter a temperature request for the given time
“Restricted” – the field allows you to enter the maximum allowable power of the specific
output(s). If the value 0% is used, the output is completely restricted; if the value 100% is
used, the output is not restricted at all and the time schedule is not effective.
“Enforced” – the field allows you to enter the minimum required power of the specific
output(s). If the value 100% is used, the output is switched on completely/permanently; if the
value 0% is used, the output is not enforced at all and the time schedule is not effective.