Chapter 5: User Interface
SolarEdge Installation Guide - MAN-01-00060-2.6
S erver <LAN> C onf LAN
C onf RS 4 8 5 - 1 <S> C onf Z ig B ee <S> C onf W i - F i
<N / A> C onf RS 2 3 2
I / OC onfig. <RRCR>
Server :
LANRS 4 8 5 Z Z igbee
igbee W i - F i RS 2 3 2
N o
Conf LAN:
C IP onfig
D e f. DHCP <A side> D e f. IPD e f. M ascus D e f.
Asserelle P D e f. DNS
D e f. A dr. S erver D e f. P ort S erver
Conf RS485-1:
Ypeappareil T <SE> P rotocol <M> Device ID <1> D Detected. SLV
Conf ZigBee (enabled only if the indoor unit is connected):
Ypeappareil T <SE> P rotocol <ERA> Device ID <1> IDPAN
S canner C anal hrg C. ZB pard e f. D Detected. SLV <0>
Conf WiFi (enabled only when the module is connected):
S cannerlesr é S é aisirlacl buckets
C hargerlesparam è é be trespard
RS232 (next page) I / O Config.
(next page)
If Wi-Fi is connected, the ZigBee elements do not appear and vice versa.
If Wi-Fi is connected, the ZigBee elements do not appear and vice versa.