3. Wait for the completion of the pairing (remaining seconds is 0). If pairing fails, an error is displayed. In
this case, repeat the pairing steps. If the problem persists, contact SolarEdge Support. When pairing
succeeds, the following message is displayed:
P a i r i n g
P a i r i n g C o m p l e t e d
The system startup process begins:
Since the inverter is ON, the power optimizers start producing power and the inverter starts
converting AC.
When you turn ON the inverter ON/OFF switch, the DC cables carry a high voltage and the
power optimizers no longer output a safe 1V output.
Après avoir mis l'interrupteur ON/OFF de l'onduleur monophasé sur ON, les câbles DC portent
une haute tension et les optimiseurs de puissance ne génèrent plus la tension de sécurité de 1V.
When the inverter starts converting power after the initial connection to the AC, the inverter enters
Standby mode until its working voltage is reached. This mode is indicated by the flickering green
inverter LED.
While the inverter is in Standby mode, it monitors the grid and verifies correct grid voltage and
frequency. The following message is displayed:
W a k i n g U p . . .
R e m a i n i n g : 0 5 1 S e c
The countdown indicates the seconds remaining until entering the Production mode. This time is in
accordance with local regulations and is typically between three to five minutes.
When countdown is complete, the inverter enters Production mode and produces power. The
steadily lit green inverter LED indicates this mode.
4. Scroll to the
menu and select
Optimizer Conf.
Set Rapid Shutdown
S e t R a p i d S h u t d o w n
E x i t
Chapter 8: Commissioning the Installation
StorEdge Installation Guide MAN-01-00262-1.0