7.6.1 Booting
Status LED: flashes green
Status message
Irradiance too low
The solar irradiation or rather the available output is too low for
mains operation.
Before connecting to the mains network, the Compact Station will
check the internal hardware and software components.
Restart delay
The Compact Station has disconnected from the mains and is
delaying re-connection to the mains.
The Compact Station does not start because at least one power
unit is unavailable for the MCU.
7.6.2 Mains operation
Status LED: green
Status message
Mains operation
The Compact Station has connected to the mains and is feeding in
to the mains.
Maximum power
The Compact Station limits the fed output to the maximum
permissible output. Limitation of the output can occur when the PV
generator has been over-sized or in the event of high irradiation.
Idc limitation
The Compact Station limits the DC input current to the maximum
permissible value. This can occur where the design of the PV
generator allows for the current in the MPP to be greater than the
maximum permissible DC current of the system.
Iac limitation
The Compact Station limits the in-fed mains current to the
maximum permissible value. This can occur in response to major
fluctuations in irradiation, low mains voltage, or due to an over-
sized PV generator.
Restart limitation
The Compact Station increases the active power with a defined
progression (Pac progression and/or soft start) following comple-
tion of an external limitation.
Frequency limitation
The Compact Station limits the fed-in active power owing to an
active frequency-dependent power reduction.
External limitation
The fed-in active power is limited via remote control.
Remote control
The Compact Station is remotely controlled by the solar plant
controller or a radio ripple control receiver.