771 Booting
Status LED: flashes green
Status message
Irradiation too low
The solar irradiation or rather the available output is too low for
mains operation.
The inverter checks the internal hardware and software compo-
nents before connecting to the mains.
Restart delay
The inverter delays connection to the grid (after a disconnection
from the grid or when booting).
772 Mains operation
The status LED lights up green.
Status message
Maximum output power
The inverter limits the in-feed power to the maximum permissible
value. This may occur if the PV generator is oversized.
Mains operation
The inverter is in feed mode.
Idc limitation
The inverter limits the PV generator current to the maximum
permissible value. This may occur if the PV generator is designed
such that the current at Maximum Power Point (MPP) exceeds the
maximum permissible input current of the inverter.
Iac limitation
The inverter limits the output power to the maximum permissible value
(where the PV generator is oversized).
Restart limitation
Following an external output limitation the inverter increases the
active power with defined progression (Pac progression and/or Soft
Frequency limitation
The inverter temporarily limits the active power owing to an active
frequency-dependent power reduction.
External limitation
The inverter's fed-in active power is limited by external output
Temperature limitation
The output power is temporarily reduced in order to limit the
inverter's temperature.