Subject to change | © 2019 SOLARWATT GmbH | AZ-TM-PMS-1339 | Rev 001 | Version: 12/2019
Page 38
9.6 Warranty Conditions
(Rev. 009 | 07/2019)
A Scope
1. The Warranty for SOLARWATT Solar Modules of the glass-
glass generation pursuant to these Warranty Conditions (he-
reinafter „Warranty Conditions“) of SOLARWATT GmbH (her
einafter „SOLARWATT“) apply in addition to any of the End
Customer‘s statutory rights arising from product defects. The
se Warranty Conditions do not affect any of the End Custo
mer’s statutory rights arising from product defects. Such
rights continue to exist regardless of whether a Warranty
Claim event is given or asserted.
2. These Warranty Conditions apply to the following Solar Mo
dules of the glass-glass generation:
Vision 60M high power
Vision 36M glass
Vision 60M style
EasyIn 60M style
Vision 60M black
Vision 60M build
Vision 60M
Vision 60P
(hereinafter jointly referred to as „Solar Modules“ or individu
ally as „Solar Module“).
3. The Warranty pursuant to these Warranty Conditions ap
plies to Solar Modules which the End Customer has purcha-
sed in countries in which SOLARWATT does not have coun-
try-specific warranty conditions for Solar Modules in place. All
warranty conditions for Solar Modules are available at http:// The Warranty pursuant to these Warranty
Conditions shall remain unaffected even if the End Customer
transfers the Solar Modules to and operates the Solar Modu-
les in a different country afterwards.
4. The Warranty pursuant to these Warranty Conditions ap
plies to Solar Modules installed in areas with an official
ly listed maximum possible snow load of up to 8.1 kN /m²
(8,100 Pa). The warranty applies –except for EasyIn 60M sty
le modules- even if the maximum permitted pressure loads
on the modules indicated in the installation instructions are
exceeded for the selected installation variant.
5. These warranty conditions apply exclusively to solar mo
dules and not to complete systems from SOLARWATT. For
complete systems, SOLARWATT or a third-party contracted by
SOLARWATT provides the respective end customer with addi-
tional deliveries or services, such as installation services. Any
SOLARWATT warranties for such complete system are subject
to separate warranty conditions.
B Product Warranty
SOLARWATT provides the Warranty pursuant to these Warran-
ty Conditions exclusively to End Customers who have acqui-
red Solar Modules for their own use and not for the purpose
of further sale or any other type of commercial exploitation
(“End Customer”). SOLARWATT guarantees the End Customer
pursuant to these Warranty Conditions that the Solar Modu-
les are free from material and manufacturing defects which
influence the functionality of the Solar Modules („Product
Defects“) for a duration of thirty (30) years from the date of
the invoice to the end customer for the purchase of the solar
modules (“Warranty Term”) (together “Product Warranty”).
C Performance Warranty
SOLARWATT guarantees the End Customer pursuant to these
Warranty Conditions:
- During the first (1st) year from the date of the invoice to
the end customer for the purchase of the solar modules, the
output of the Solar Modules shall not decrease to less than 97
% of the nominal output of the Solar Module as indicated by
SOLARWATT on the respective Solar Module minus a toleran-
ce range of 5 % under Standard Test Conditions (irradiance
1,000 W/m², spectral distribution AM 1.5, temperature 25±2°
C, hereinafter „STC“);
- From the beginning of the second (2nd) year until the end of
the twenty-ninth (29th) year from the date of the invoice to
the end customer for the purchase of the solar modules, the
output of the Solar Modules shall not decrease by more than
0.345%, per year, of the nominal output of the Solar Module
as indicated by SOLARWATT on the respective Solar Module
minus a tolerance range of 5% under STC;
- During the thirtieth (30th) year from the date of the invoice
to the end customer for the purchase of the solar modules
the guaranteed output of the Solar Modules is at least 87%
of the nominal output on the Solar Module as indicated by
SOLARWATT minus a tolerance range of 5% under STC;
(jointly “Performance Warranty”, Product Warranty and Per
formance Warranty jointly “Warranty”).
D SOLARWATT Warranty Services
1. If one of the Warranty claim events indicated in Section B
or C arises during the respective Warranty Term, SOLARWATT
shall – at its own discretion –
a) repair the Solar Module on site at the End Customer‘s loca
b) repair the Solar Module at SOLARWATT‘s facility or that of
a third party,
c) supply an additional Solar Module to the End Customer or
d) exchange the Solar Module with a replacement module.
On receipt of a replacement module by the End Customer,
the ownership of the original Solar Module is transferred to
SOLARWATT. For replacement modules, the remaining War
ranty Term of the relevant Solar Module applies exclusively.
Insofar as the Solar Module originally supplied by SOLARWATT
was not or is no longer manufactured in serial production, an
equivalent module shall be supplied as replacement or addi-
tional module.
2. If SOLARWATT repairs the Solar Module at SOLARWATT’s
or a third party’s facility pursuant to Section D.1. or supplies
an equivalent replacement module pursuant to Section D.1,
SOLARWATT will engage a carrier who will collect the affected
Solar Module from the End Customer’s location.
3. The Warranty pursuant to these Warranty Conditions covers
the transport costs for the shipment of the affected Solar Mo
dule, a replacement or additional module as well as material
and labor costs (personnel costs for repairs) for the Warranty
service. SOLARWATT grants to the End Customer a flat rate
payment of € 150.00 per system (i.e. photovoltaic system
with a single grid connection) and Warranty claim event, plus
€ 25.00 for each affected Solar Module for the costs of the
dismounting of the affected Solar Module and the installa
tion of the replacement or additional modules in total; any
further costs shall be borne solely by the End Customer. Costs
for measurements and for assessments by qualified experts
(e.g. if SOLARWATT rejects a Warranty claim event or if the
End Customer cannot conduct such measurements personal-
ly) must be coordinated and aligned with SOLARWATT before
the End Customer incurs such costs. Only in that case these
costs will be covered by SOLARWATT.
4. If the End Customer asserts a Warranty claim under the
se Warranty Conditions and it turns out that there is no valid
Warranty claim event, SOLARWATT reserves the right to in-
voice the End Customer for any costs incurred for the provi-
ded Warranty services, provided that the End Customer knew