| we want to hear the good and the bad. Just try to make it useful: how can
we do better? What would you have expected and why? What would you do to improve?
| keep in touch even beyond the questions and surveys we will be sharing with
you. Something happens and it confuses or frustrates (or delights) you? Drop as a 1-line
email to express your emotions.
| please do not post any information regarding CAIA publicly. We’d like to stay
off of social media particularly, for a while longer. If you have any friends or family coming
over and you want to show her off, by all means do so. Just please make sure no photos
or videos of CAIA are available in public.
Ask questions
| even the smallest doubt, just drop us an email. We may not have the
answers to everything… Actually, the questions we don’t know the answers to, are the
most important ones! Collecting as many questions, comments or concerns as possible
is of extremely high value to us.
Keep the packaging
| the box CAIA comes in is really useful if you want to move her to
another location (parent’s home, partner’s house, country-side or beach house).
Specifically for this Beta Test, if you choose to return her after the test, we really need to
make sure she arrives in the same condition as when she was sent to you. We strongly
encourage you to take a photo before removing her from the packaging, so that you can
pack her in exactly the same way. Then, if it still gets damaged during transport, at least
we know we did everything we could.
Love her? Keep her!
| if this CAIA meets your expectations and/or fulfills her duties to
your satisfaction, we can arrange for you to keep her, rather than fulfilling your Indiegogo
pledge at some point in the future. Just drop us an email before the end of the test and
we’ll get it sorted.
Experimentation, experimentation, experimentation!
| the more fun you have with her, the
better feedback we’ll get. Try pointing her on different surfaces, see if you notice
significant differences in how light diffuses. Try different angles, see if you can get the
light to reach really hard, tucked away dark spots in your home. Push her limits. Help us
understand what and where her limits are.