7. User Black and White Listing
7.1 Overview
The configuration application allows for a user to enter additional blacklist and whitelist IP
addresses and domain names. These addresses will be appended to the internal threat lists and
all network packets will be checked against these user-entered addresses.
NEVER whitelist an IP address for a Domain Name Server (DNS server). Doing so will
cause the blacklist engine to skip checking DNS lookup packets. Checking DNS queries against
the blacklists is an essential part of the scanning process. Bypassing this will allow malicious
packets to flow freely in and out of the appliance without being noticed or blocked.
7.2 Blacklisting Domain Names
The user can enter any domain name into the user managed blacklist entry table. The picture
below shows three different domain names having been blacklisted by a user.
Figure 7.1 User managed black and white lists.
To blacklist a domain, press the button labeled “+ Add Domain Name”. Enter the domain name
and select the action and severity level.