Levelogger - Trouble Shooting Guide
Page 65
‘A different type of Levelogger is detected’
Replace the Levelogger currently in the Optical Reader with the one that was
previously being worked on, and complete the operation.
‘The selected file is not a barometer’
Select a Barologger for the compensation process.
‘Data Corrupted’
Contact Solinst for assistance. Use Levelogger Gold Diagnostic Utility to do a
memory dump and sent the dump file to Solinst for further analysis.
‘Internal Error’
Contact Solinst for assistance.
‘Fail to append data - A different Levelogger has been detected!’ or ‘Fail to
append data - A different start time has been detected!’ or ‘Fail to append
data - New data is not available in the Levelogger!’
The Levelogger software can only append data to a file that has the same serial
number and start time as the connected Levelogger. Find the correct file, or use
‘All Data’ to download the complete file.
‘Only Levelogger Gold supports this function’
The ‘Append Data’, ‘Partial Download’ and ‘Data Recovery’ functions are only
supported by the Levelogger Gold loggers, not previous version Leveloggers.
‘Schedule cannot be empty’
When using the ‘Schedule’ sampling option in a Levelogger Gold, the schedule
must contain at least one item.
‘Readings in schedule exceed the maximum’
The number of readings in a schedule should not result in more than 40,000
individual readings.