The pilot must have his/her pilots licence with him in the aeroplane.
You must have an “Authority to Fly Certificate” (this document has different names in
different countries – such as “Microlight Flight Certificate” issued by the Civil Aviation
Authority of the country in which you reside and fly.
You cannot fly in controlled airspace or within the circuit area of any licensed airfield, or
above 1,000 ft agl unless the microlight is equipped with an approved VHF radio, a
sensitive altimeter, an air speed indicator, a compass and the pilot is in contact with ATC
and other air traffic.
Your aircraft needs to be maintained in accordance with the laws governing
maintenance of microlight aeroplanes.
You cannot fly at night or in IMC, nor fly over built up areas or over an open-air assembly
of persons.
Your aeroplane must be maintained as per the Air Navigation Regulations of your
country are met.
The Aeroplane Operators Manual and Airframe logbook, as required by your country’s
Aviation regulations, must be readily available at the time of operation and the pilot in
command must be conversant with its contents. The pilot must also be responsible for
recording the flying times in the airframe logbook after each flight.