Life cycle of a pellet boiler
About 90% of the materials used in the manufacture of these units are recyclable,
thus helping to reduce environmental impact and contributing to the sustainable
development of the Planet. End-of-life units should be returned to authorised waste
processing systems. We advise you to contact your local authorities for instructions.
Solzaima designs and manufactures biomass solutions and biomass-fuelled equipment
as a primary energy source. This is our contribution for the sustainability of our planet
– an economically viable and environmentally-friendly alternative, following
environmental best management practices to ensure an efficient carbon cycle
Solzaima makes all efforts to learn and to know the national forest park while
efficiently responding to energy demands, taking permanent care to maintain its
biodiversity and natural wealth that are essential for the quality of life on our planet.
SOLZAIMA is a member of the Portuguese Sociedade Ponto Verde, which manages
packaging waste from products that the company places on the market, so you can
take the packaging waste from your unit, such as plastic and cardboard, to your
nearest recycling point.
SOLZAIMA is a member of Amb3E, the entity responsible for collecting waste electrical
and electronic equipment (WEEE). Thus, end-of-life units with forced ventilation
systems should be transported to an appropriate WEEE-processing location. When you
disassemble your equipment, you can take its electrical components to your nearest
WEEE collection point.