v.1.1 29.08 2012
Module description and transmission
The OR-1 is used for wireless data transmission between a PC and SONEL S.A. meters
equipped with a corresponding transceiver module. It provides a two-way communication.
To use the wireless data transmission module, install on your PC any current software
downloaded from the manufacturer's site (such as SONEL PE, SONEL ANALYSIS, SONEL
READER) and update the meter software to the latest version.
NOTE! Older versions of software (written before 1 April 2010) may not contain current drivers for
the OR-1 module.
To start transmission, connect the module to the USB port of your computer. Flashing LED
indicates that the module is energized. Install the drivers according to the procedure displayed by the
operating system. Set the data transmission option according to the manual of a given meter. Run
one of the data storage and analysis programs supplied by SONEL S.A. These programs include also
the drivers necessary to use the module. The transmission is indicated by the dimming LED.
Below please find a typical data transmission set-up for the MRU-200 meter. Set-up for other
meters is similar. For further information, refer to the manuals for the meters.