Appendix A – BNC Connector Installation Steps
Remove and set aside the two screws securing the Thunderbolt
interface card to the inner assembly
(Figure A-1)
Gently push down on the edge of the card to disengage the card from
its slot
(Figure A-1)
Grasping the card by its edges, rotate the bracket out of the inner
assembly, and then pull out the card
(Figure A-2)
. Set aside the
Thunderbolt interface card on flat surface, component side down.
Insert the BNC cables through the BNC connector mounting holes in
the inner assembly
(Figure A-3)
. Route the cables out over the top of
the PCIe slot riser card.
Slide the connector nuts over the BNC cables, and then secure the
connectors to the inner assembly
(Figure A-3)
Figure A-1
Figure A-2
Figure A-3