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No test signal is better than her music
and no test instrument better than the
human ear.




should be placed in an open space away from moisture and with

adequate ventilation.

The device is connected to the mains via an IEC mains lead. A plug is not supplied
as standard. A plug appropriate for the country of purchase should be attached
before use.

The IEC socket on the rear of the device has a replaceable fuse; see the
specifications at the end of this manual for correct values.

For plug wiring details see specifications at the end of this manual.

Be sure that all appliances are turned off before disconnecting or connecting



 has five inputs; Tp, CD, DIR, L1, L2 and one output; LnOut.

We recommend using DIR for best sonic performance. Tp, L1 and L2 should be
used for line level signals e.g. Tape source. CD input is provided for high output
level CD players.

Beware, do not have the Tape Source selected when LnOut is connected to it
whilst recording as this will result in a very nasty experience.

For best loudspeaker connection use 4 mm banana plugs or spade connectors and
be sure never to short positive and negative wires as this could have a detrimental
effect on your speakers and your amplifier.

The controls on the front panel are, from left to right; Power, Source select and

When cleaning your



 never use solvents. A clean dry cloth would be

