4 (E)
The following manuals have been prepared to
thoroughly explain this routing switcher system.
Under the directions provided in this manual and in
correlation with your needs, refer to the manual that
suits your purpose best.
Operation manual (this manual, supplied)
This manual supplies information related to a simple
outline of the switcher, connection examples, an
explanation of each part, and the specifications.
System setup manual (supplied)
This manual supplies information related to the initial
settings and verification of operation. It also supplies
information about the principal equipment in a routing
switcher system.
Installation manual (supplied)
This manual supplies information related to the
maintenance and initial service to the switcher such as
board replacement.
Maintenance manual (optional)
This manual supplies information related to the
servicing of each parts level (i.e. the essential points
for adjustment, mount diagrams, circuit diagrams, and
a detailed parts list). Ask the Sony dealer where you
purchased this switcher for details about obtaining this
Protocol manual (optional)
Supplies information related to the protocol used to
control this switcher.
The following manual is available for your reference
about the protocol supported by this switcher:
• S-BUS remote terminal control protocol: S-BUS
HDS-X5800 technical manual (optional)
Supplies information related to a technical outline of
the routing switcher system and the possible
applications. Ask the Sony dealer where you
purchased this switcher for details about obtaining this
The Routing Switcher System Manual Line-up