Customizing your Sony CLIÉ™ handheld (Preferences)
Setting the display format of the time, date,
and numbers
Selecting a regional default
When you select the region where you use your CLIÉ handheld, the display
format of the time, date, week start day, and numbers are adjusted to the
regional default. For example, in the United Kingdom, time is expressed using
a 24-hour clock; in the United States, time is expressed using a 12-hour clock
with an AM or PM suffix.
The regional default setting is applied to the display formats of all your CLIÉ
applications. However, you can customize your own settings for each unit,
such as time or date.
Tap the arrow
in the top right-hand corner of the
Preferences screen and select Formats.
Tap the arrow
next to Preset to and select a region name.