Long Recording Time on a Single Cassette
Utilizing the technologically advanced HDCAM-SR format’s
high-density recording capability and compression
technology, the SRW-5000 is capable of recording up to 155
minutes at 1080/24P and up to 124 minutes at 1080/59.94i
or 720/60P on a single L-sized cassette. S-sized cassettes
can also be used, offering up to 50 minutes of recorded
material at 1080/24P and up to 40 minutes at 1080/59.94i or
720/60P. This flexibility makes the SRW-5000 an ideal
recorder for both field and studio applications.
Easy Maintenance
Drum maintenance is always a concern for VTR users. As
with most Sony VTRs, the SRW-5000 drum assembly has
been designed with an auto-adjustment function, so that
maintenance can be performed in minimal time. The
SRW-5000 is also supported by the BZNW-5000 series
remote-maintenance and monitoring software, an
SNMP-compliant application that monitors the unit in real
time and provides updated maintenance information via a
TCP/IP network. Finally,
VTR maintenance logs can
be stored locally on a
Memory Stick
media card
for troubleshooting the
User-Friendly Controls
The front control panel of the SRW-5000 is extremely user
friendly, with a design and functionality, inherited from the
widely used HDW-F500, that requires a minimal learning
curve. In addition, the control panel has a large,
easy-to-read LCD display that provides comprehensive
information, including color thumbnails, for quick access and
easy control of a variety of functions.