The wall plates must be secured to wall studs capable of supporting at least four (4) times the weight of the unit. To determine the center viewing height of the plasma
display. Temporarily position the rod of the lower wall plate to the bottom hook of the secured mounting brackets and determine and note the distance between the bottom
of the plasma display to the bottom of the wall plate (See Fig 3 and 4). Measure the distance from the floor to where the bottom of the plasma will be (Example 60"). Add
the noted distance to the 60" and mark you first securing points (Example 60"+4"=64"). Level and secure the bottom plate with four (4) 5/16" lag bolts and washers
(supplied). See Fig 4.
The wall plate provides you with three (3) 16" stud center patterns and one (1) 24" stud center pattern to assist you in your installation.
With the lower wall plate secured to the wall structure, place the (supplied) cardboard template over the top outside edges of the lower plate. Place the bottom and outside
edges of the upper wall plate into the top portion of the template and mark the second set of securing points for the upper wall plate, see Fig 5. Secure the upper wall plate
with the four (4) 5/16" lag bolts and flat washers (supplied). The wall plate must be secured to wall studs capable of supporting at least four (4) times the weight of the unit.
The distance between the two plates should end up at 9". See Fig 6.