6.4 Collector protection
6.3 System protection
(solar only)
Collector protection prevents overheating of the collector. The pump is switched on to
transfer heat from the collector to the storage tank.
If “CP Ton” is exceeded at the collector sensor, the pump is switched on until the tem-
perature reaches “CP Toff” or the temperature “CP Tmax storage” is exceeded in the
storage or pool.
Collektor protection settings range: on / off / Voreinstellung: off
CP Ton settings range: 60°C to 150°C / Default: 110°C
CP Toff settings range: 50°C to Ton minus 10°C / Default: 100°C
CP Tmax storagesettings range: 0°C to 140°C / Default: 90°C
(solar only) priority protection
System protection prevents overheating of system components by automatic shutdown
of the solar pump. If “AS Ton” is exceeded at the collector, the pump is switched off.
The pump is activated again when the temperature drops below “AS TOff”.
Automatic shutdown - settings range: On / Off / Default: on
AS Ton - settings range: 60 °C to 150 °C / Default: 120 °C
AS Toff - settings range: 50 °C to Ton minus 5 °C / Default: 110 °C
Protective functions
When system protection is on, the temperature in the idle collector will be very
high, thus the pressure in the system will rise and can damage your system.
Pay close attention to the instructions of the system manufacturer.
When collector protection is active, the storage or pool is heated well
beyond Tmax S2 (see 5.2) which can result in scalding and system dam-